Top 10 Study Techniques and Tips To Enhance Your Boredom Reading.

You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss

Top 10's

  Study tips And Tech:

Generally, we are interested in reading a storybook, but we are not interested in reading a book related to reading, so we are sleep deprived. When we were little our dad, the teacher would sing the lines of a song correctly and you would scold why not study. This is a normal thing that happens in everyone's life. But we have the techniques to study with interest, to study in the best way, apart from that today I will say some techniques in my own experience that are easy to learn and easy to read. 

Why do some people read this? There is also the question of what kind of use it is in our lives. But after we study in our Highschool school then in college we are utilized to work in the field of selection. Then it is a way for us to achieve in the field concerned. Here are my little notes for you to read with interest and ease. I am going to say Top 10 techniques of Mine.



Take a title first and understand its meaning. Then, find out a little note about that topic in the loop. Take only a few important notes while reading like that, then read once as it is in the book. From this, you will understand the meaning of the title and its content to some extent.

Silent reading:

Read the title one or three times. Then if you understand its content, read it three times and if you do not understand then close the book and then read the next day. The mind and brain should be under our control while reading quietly. This is the best way.


To understand a topic more easily in your languages, learn the curve. There is no better way than this. Understand its contents first, then learn and read the book.


For some, reading and taking notes is a good thing. This is a technique that we are good at imprinting on our minds.

5-Minutes break:

It breaks is best to take five minutes after reading a topic each time. It is the rest that gives our brain.

Noon Study:

Learn as much mathematics and study field practice as possible at noon. Do not read anything new.

Yoga and meditation:

I  have been talking about this before You can read the importance of Yoga and Meditation at this link. Be sure to do this before reading. It is also used to increase our memory power.

Facial Powder:

If you fall asleep while studying, wash your face and apply good face powder and read with a fresh mind. Your interest may not be distracted.


Listen to your favorite song once while reading and start reading with joy in mind.


A good night's sleep is important before studying. Then we can learn easily even if we study for a short time. If you fall asleep while studying, close your eyes and rest for a while. 

The most important thing for the study is the refreshment of the mind, brain function is both important so let it be under your control. These are my top ten study techniques. Tell me what you like and what you are going to follow in the Comments.

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