Top 7 Things not to do While Reading.

Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching.

Ferguson Jenkins

Top 7

Things not to do while studying:

The less we are interested in the study, the less our concentration and the less its involvement. Depending on the type of field of study we may be less interested in. The most important reason for that is the faculty in the field of study. But we also have our curiosity, concentration, and distraction. I am going to share with you today some of the things you should definitely not do while reading and I am going to tell you all through my self-thinking.

You can avoid this and read your study with interest and ease

Read this, it will definitely be useful. Now we can see the top 7 sub topics👇

Bathroom reading:

Yes, guys, some study well and they study in the toilet so as not to waste time. That is the worst thing that can happen to a friend. Usually, there is a time and duration for each subject, and it's just as wrong to study in the toilet. The best thing is to study it in a good environment.

Avoid Cell Phone:

Do not use your cell phone while reading. Do not pick up the phone while doing any one thing not only while studying, it will reduce your work and your area. Will diminish your importance. So skip it a bit. 

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Detox Phone While Reading.


Yes, guys, some people have better brain function, and their IQ level may be better. Then some will study while doing some work. Some people study while doing this thinking that they will have a good brain and IQ level right. Some think that we are the best students if we do that to some. So cut back on doing multitasking a bit. It is very important to focus on it and then multitask and read it.

Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3399858">mohamed Hassan</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=3399858">Pixabay</a>

Over-thinking while studying:

While Some people have many thoughts while reading. It's definitely something to avoid. Because if we do not concentrate while reading, then our study is in vain. So set aside 10 minutes every day to think and focus on studying.

Schedule Reading:

Some people schedule on the day before reading. But they will not use it. It is better to study in the morning and try to study in the morning instead of studying at night. Or study well at night and sleep in the morning, or sleep well at night and study in the morning. One of the most important things to study is periods of sleep. Losing it and studying you is in vain. So choose the time and start reading.



Many media, movies, and communities are the reason why students are distracted in many ways. Our society also causes many people to lose interest in studying. Beyond that, we need to know and study the importance of the study. Students, do not lose heart thinking about what is important now. When you feel bored, relax and listen to the media and sing.

Lack of Concentration:

A teacher must arouse interest in a subject. They will be a little more interested in that study when they are summoned like that. That concentration should be there for the students as well, for some, it is less yoga, meditation and its involvement, read the storybook, and bring it all together as concentration.

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